Friday, August 31, 2012

Kaleidoscope Name Drawings

I found this lesson on Pinterest several weeks ago and thought it would be a great back-to-school lesson to help me get to know ALL of my students' names.  Here is a link to the original lesson:

I modified it a bit by doing the letters in cursive to make it a bit less geometric.  I did, however, use the basic block lettering for my 4th graders since they are not quite ready for cursive text.  Here are some photos that I took using my iPhone (forgive the quality...I'll try to remember my 'real' camera soon.)

 This is a finished product. says Mrs. Keller!

Here's one in the beginning stage.  The steps are:
1.  Divide a square into 8 equal triangles by folding the paper.
2.  Take a separate triangle and write the name from the top to the bottom.
3.  Turn the name 'lines' into name 'shapes' by going around the outside of
the letters and the inside of the letters.
4.  Trace over the name letters with a Sharpie on the front & the back
of the triangle.
5.  Place the triangle into one of folded triangles on the paper.  Make sure
it fits perfectly.  Now, put the triangle under the paper and trace the black
lines you now see through the paper.
6.  Now, FLIP the triangle to get a mirror image in the next space.  Place the
triangle under the paper and repeat these steps 8 times.

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for this post!! I did these with my Grade 6 homeroom class and the rest of my Grade 6 rotary students and they LOVED it!

    Below I've posted the pictures :)
