Friday, September 27, 2013


     As an art teacher, you know that pencils are the lifeline of most art projects.  There is nothing worse than having to stop your drawing project for student after student to get up and go sharpen his/her pencil.  And as you know, once that ONE person's pencil needs sharpened, so does everyone else's pencil!  It's an epidemic in an Art room...breaking pencils are contagious (just like restroom breaks)!  Well let me tell you, I've decided enough is enough.  I have had it with cheap pencils.  I have had it with sharpening pencils, handing them out, and finding the lead falls right out of the pencil.  Does this image look familiar to you???

     Well, I have great news!  If you would like to put a stop to the pencil epidemic in your art room, you NEED to invest in some Ticonderoga pencils by Dixon!  These pencils are AMAZING!  I have found the lead lasts longer, sharpening time has decreased, the lead lasts FOREVER without needing to be sharpened, and when I do have to sharpen them, the pencil sharpener does not eat them up (you know what I'm talking about!).  So, the question to ask yourself is this...does the brand of pencil really matter???  And I'm telling you YES, it does!  Stock up on great pencils and your drawing classes will be forever changed :-)


  1. You are so right about Ticonderoga pencils. I supply everything for my students - and these are among the best of the everyday, always have items.
