Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pop-Up Houses

Second graders are the best group of kids to work with!  They still have that young uninhibited creative spirit and yet they are skillful enough to take on even the most challenging tasks.  I decided to introduce them to the concept of 'relief' sculpture by choosing a simple subject matter - houses.  First, we discussed relief sculptures and the difference between 2-D art, 3-D art, and relief.  Next, I we discussed the concept of foreground, middleground, and background.  I know these are difficult terms for these youngsters, but they really 'get it' when they learn these spatial concepts at such an early age.

So, we started by drawing the background - the area behind our subject matter.  Next, we drew our own, personal, creative houses.  We cut the houses out and mounted them on the background with pieces of foam core to give it depth.  Last, we drew bushes to put in the foreground and mounted them with even more pieces of foam core so it popped out in front of the middleground (the house).

 Jaydan's House

 (Detail shot of the above house)

Caitlin's House

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