Monday, December 17, 2012

Using Art to help the families of Sandy Hook

   As I walked into school this morning, I felt numb.  I felt sorry for those returning to work in New Town.  I felt protective of my students here at Halls Ferry.  I felt proactive in establishing my own safety plan.  I felt confused.  I wondered what we can do here in St. Louis to help those students, faculty, and family members who are still suffering in the wake of the events on Friday, December 14th.  It may not be much, but if our artwork can bring a glimmer of hope and joy into the lives of the people at Sandy Hook Elementary School, it is worth the effort.  My classes today made drawings for the people of New Town, expressing our deepest and most sincere condolences.  I will send a packet full of drawings and cards made by students here at Halls Ferry to Sandy Hook Elementary this week.  Here is a video I made showcasing our artwork in memory of the students and teachers:

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