Thursday, January 24, 2013

Picture The Music art entries

Here are a few of the FABULOUS works of art created by my very own students for the annual Picture The Music art competition for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.  It was a difficult task to narrow down 333 works of art into a mere 7 entries/school allowed into the competiton.  I based my judgement on how well the student executed the art medium, how well the composition is arranged, and how well the mood or feeling of the work best represented the music.  I hope (and pray) that we have several winners this year!  This is my 5th year entering artwork into this local competition and I have had more than 1 winner each year that I have entered.  So, I am confident my students will have the honor of winning this prestigious award!

By Charlie 6th grade 

By Jada 2nd grade

By Madeleine 4th grade 

By Chad 4th Grade 

By Diamond 4th Grade

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